2025 Mason Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference
Use the links below to navigate the 2025 Mason Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference website. More information about scheduling, panels, and reception will be made available. Stay Tuned!
Welcome to the home page of the 2025 Mason Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference! This conference, co-hosted by the Graduate and Professional Student Association (GAPSA), and Graduate Student Life, highlights the research of Mason’s graduate students across disciplines. This one-day in-person event showcases Mason’s graduate students’ outstanding scholarly research and creative works through posters, oral presentations, creative performances, and visual arts that closely mirror professional academic conference practice.
The conference is open to the Mason community, including students, faculty, and staff. Graduate and professional students from all disciplines at George Mason University are welcome to participate as presenters, attendees, or volunteers. The faculty can support the conference as discussants and attendees.
Call For Proposals
The call for proposals for the 2025 Mason Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference opened for submissions on Tuesday, November 19th, 2024. GAPSA and the conference planning committee invite all Mason graduate and professional students to submit their abstracts, not more than 250 words, for consideration. We call for proposals from any discipline or area of study, which may be submitted by Mason graduate or professional students individually or in collaboration with their faculty, fellow students, or external scholars. However, only Mason graduate or professional students can submit work with external collaborators. Proposals can be individual/group papers, documentaries, films, and visual presentations and performances.
The deadline for submission of proposals is Sunday, February 9, 2025, at 11:55 pm. Presenters can submit their abstracts electronically through this link: https://cglink.me/2d7/s95519
This call for proposals will close 2/9/2025 at 11:55pm. Please note, late submissions will not be accepted.
GAPSA has created a guide on how to write abstracts and the evaluation process.
Why You Should Participate
The conference socializes you into an academic community by providing a friendly forum to practice submitting a scholarly conference proposal and presenting as a graduate or professional student. It also creates an avenue for students to connect with their colleagues, learn about emerging research topics, network with specialists in the field, and engage in constructive interdisciplinary conversations on works-in-progress. Presenting at the Mason Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference is a valuable professional development opportunity and allows you to practice your communication skills in a supportive space.
Conference Registration
Whether you are presenting at the conference or not, we invite all members of the Mason community to attend the conference on Friday, April 4, 2025, in Merten Hall on the Fairfax campus. Please register for the conference here.
More inforamtion will be made available about the conference leading up to the day! Please stay tuned!
Follow Us for Updates!
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Have questions? Please email us at [email protected]!