Graduate Student Travel Fund (GSTF)

The Graduate Student Travel Fund (GSTF) provides financial assistance for graduate students to present their work at academic conferences. The program is administered by the Office of the Provost.

Active members of GAPSA are eligible for an additional $50 of GSTF funding for domestic travel. Active members are defined as belonging to one of the following four categories:  

  • Currently serving as a member of the GAPSA Executive Board
  • Currently serving as a representative on the Graduate Assembly for the current academic year, in good standing
    • To be in good standing, the representative has missed no more than one meeting in the active semester without a proxy. 
  • Was a member of the GAPSA’s Executive Committee or Grad Assembly representative in good standing in the previous academic year.
  • Served on a GAPSA committee, as a representative proxy, or as a GAPSA volunteer during the last academic semester. 

For more information and submission details regarding the GSTF, please contact

Visit the Graduate Student Travel Fund website for more information.